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From Sleep Deprived to Sleepy Girl: How Magnesium Has Benefitted My Wellness

I started using magnesium about six months ago, like everyone else after seeing the “sleepy girl mocktail” take over TikTok. While I only had one or two mocktails, I have since incorporated magnesium into my nightly routine. OG style — in the capsule. To find out how it benefitted my wellness as someone who chronically struggles with sleep, keep scrolling!

While not chugging magnesium nightly in a wine glass with cherry juice and a fizzy drink floater may seem boring to some, for me popping two to three capsules each night is still achieving the same effect — knocking my ass out for the night. As someone who has struggled with sleeping I’ve welcomed the effects of magnesium to lull me to dreamland. I often joke that I haven’t slept a full eight hours since 2008, which unironically is the year my eldest child was born. But in all seriousness I rarely sleep through the night. I’ve gotten better about instituting a bedtime and a limited screen time rule before bed, yet in still I inevitably awaken to use the bathroom or wake up long before I’m actually ready to.

Even my lack of sleep has helped me make it through my TBR list in quickly, I understand sleep is important. So after seeing the TikTok obsession about the “sleepy girl” mocktail I figured it couldn’t hurt to give it a try. I ordered a bottle of magnesium glycinate, grabbed a bottle of cherry juice, and popped a can of my favorite Poppi Cherry Limeade to make it sparkle. It was tasty sure, but it also kept me up peeing in the middle of the night, making the point obsolete. Which leads me to this HAUTE TAKE, remember to always do what’s best for you, no matter what the popular opinion may say. That led me to deciding to switch from the mocktail to taking two capsules each night right before bed and that’s when the magic happened.

I slept. Through the night.

Photos from TikTok of creators Nara, Olipop sharing the Sleepy Girl Mocktail

I recall waking up that first night after and almost being confused by the fact that I’d laid down at 11pm and didn’t wake up again until 7am. It most certainly had to be a fluke, right? Well, it turns out it wasn’t. In fact in the past six months, sleep has come easier for me and I’ve found that I can sleep longer stretches at night. Although that has been the best side effect of magnesium there are others that I’ve experienced but haven’t seen many people talk about.

Since adding magnesium to my wellness routine one of the most instant changes I noticed was how regular it made me. We’re grown up here. And as the famous book says, “Everybody Poops!” and I don’t usually experience many movement or gut issues,  but I have noticed since taking magnesium, I wake up each morning almost flying to the bathroom. Which in turn has been great for not feeling bloated and helps me definitely feel lighter before I hit the gym each morning. Taking magnesium combined with my affinity for green tea makes me and my tummy feel great throughout the day. If you’re someone who struggles with frequency and fiber hasn’t helped, try magnesium perhaps it can give you some help!

Quick Tips!

Adding new supplements to your wellness routine can be helpful but you also want to ensure you’re actually experiencing the benefits. I rarely ever introduce more than one new vitamin or supplement at one time. This way I can be sure of what changes are happening in my body and also know what to attribute any changes, good or bad, to.

Another thing, when trying something new, I often start by taking my supplements at night so they don’t disturb my daily activities. I learned this the hard way during my pregnancy eras by first taking prenatal vitamins in the morning. Which often got thrown back up in my bouts of morning sickness. You never know how supplements or vitamins will react with your system and I find that taking them at night limits any discomfort that may come along with the introduction.

Magnesium truly feels like magic. It’s helped me go from sleep deprived to a sleep girlie. Now six months later I can confidently say that it’s been a game changer for me and my wellness. Sleep is one of the most vital necessities to maintaining quality health. And if I’m going to spend all my time in the gym keeping my body right, I have to also make sure that it gets the proper rest it needs to. Have you been intrigued by magnesium’s sudden popularity? If so, let me know how you like yours? And if not, did this post change your mind? Can’t wait to hear about it in the comments!

be well,

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