Now that we’re halfway through March and the clocks have sprung ahead it’s time to make some changes at home to usher in the season. This year I want to really feel spring time in my home so I’ve put together a quick list of five ways to help get us started. Take the jump below and see what 5 tricks I’ve got up my sleeve!
Clean Out The Closets:
Recently I took a look at my closet and was actually ashamed of myself because it looks a hot mess. But not to worry I’ve got a plan. I have been known to hoard shoeboxes and keep shopping bags only to then not know what’s inside said boxes or bags. In order to make things easier for myself I’ve decided to make the switch to clear tubs so I can see every thing easily. Snag some up and start decluttering!
Pack Away Winter:
In the same vein of cleaning out your closets, this is also a good time to start ushering those winter duds into storage as well. I know my east coast lovelies are still battling old man winter but you can get a head start. Once the sun eventually shows his face you don’t want to be sweating in wool and mohair sweaters. Keep a couple staple pieces on hand to continue layering but lay your coat to rest until next season. One major tip here is: utilize vacuum bags. You can then minimize the number of storage containers you’ll need.
Bring Nature In:
I’m not sure if I don’t have a green thumb or if I haven’t cultivated it enough. I think spring is all about blooming and while I love flowers they don’t last as long as I’d like. During the warmer months I often take a weekly trip to Trader Joe’s to pick up some buds to add freshness to the house. This year though I’d like to be able to add in some greenery. A fiddle leaf plant would be ideal. Adding in plants brings fresh air and beauty into your space.
Change The Scents:
Are you a sucker for a candle? Or nifty plug in air fresheners? I used to be a feign for Wallflowers from Bath & Body Works, but I found that I started to feel overwhelmed by the scents after a while. I think this year to add a touch of lushness to the house I’m going to return back to my essential oil diffuser days. I find that those oils bring the smell I’m longing for without smothering me with strong odors.
Add In Bright Colors:
Time to put away the winter whites and holiday reds that are still around. Get out those pastels and neons that resemble sunshine and beach days! Before college I had no idea that people had winter and spring bedding. Growing up in California didn’t require me to have flannel sheets for months at a time. Now though I’ve been out of D.C for years I still like to update my linens with the seasons. Down comforters will be folded up and lightweight blankets are here to stay.
I hope you all enjoy my tips and let me know how the update goes!
Love this! Even as a uni student, things like switching up the scents can make all the difference to a place that isn’t really your home
Yes, absolutely! Scents can instantly give a place a coziness that it lacks. Thanks for stopping by!
Super cute blog first of all! I LOVED this post and the tips.

Thank you Brianne! Hope you found a tip you can use this spring!
This is perfect! I’m saving this for later. My sister was looking for some spring inspiration and I didnt know what advice to give. Thanks!
Awesome! Glad I could help you help sister out!
Loved these tips girl!!
Just the perfect tips for spring! Thanks for sharing <3
Changing up the scents is a must! I also like to update the colors in my house, and even get a little bit of a shine back into my hardwood floors with a good resurfacing. There’s nothing like a little style refresh to motivate me for spring cleaning. Thanks for the inspo!