I remember when the only way I would wear a jean skirt is if was mini and likely fringed. Let’s now take this opportunity and pour out a little liquor for my Hollister days. Thank God for growth, hahaha. I saw this skirt a few weeks ago on the ever visited ASOS and that ruffle jumped out to me. While I didn’t know immediately how I would style it, like I do with most things I buy, I did know that I couldn’t pass it up. Keeping reading for more of this denim look!

The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!

You all are familiar with my love of graphic tees but let me tell you about how I praise the designers over at Adidas for their pattern designs a lot. This tropical flavored piece was another ASOS find and I decided to balance out the ultra-feminine ruffled skirt with something more sporty. I also bought the leggings in the same print because sometimes overkill is a must. Who doesn’t love a good hot splattered with hibiscus and toucans?

The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!

I’m carrying a bag that was an ultimate steal from Target. While I’m not one for knockoff looks typically, this Chloe lookalike was too good to pass up. It was $30 and can also be a crossbody, girl sign me up. This doesn’t mean I’m not still vying for that Chloe though, let’s be serious this is me were talking about. But if you’re on the market Target has what you need.

The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!

Wearing: Ruffled Denim skirt – ASOS // Adidas Trefoil tee (similar) – ASOS // Ring Handle purse – Target // Espadrilles (similar) – Steve Madden // Sunnies (similar) – Karen Walker
The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!
My days of denim minis may be behind me but if the knee grazer options keep looking like this? I’m all in.


Comments +

  1. Yes !! You look great !

  2. Zuri says:

    Such a great look . I may try something similar with a different top . You did that !

  3. kristal says:

    I love the bag.

  4. Patrice says:

    I have been struggling with this jeans skirt trend because I was worried about looking 13 but you gave me some fashion inspo! Thanks

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