2017 was honestly the remnants of what 2016 left us with – a pile of hot garbage. I was in Hawaii the day Zonald was elected and while 2017 was a great year for me personally I definitely have to say that it left much to be desired on every other front. That is likely what led to me choosing transition, as my word for the year. I wanted to get away from the sadness, the anguish, and fear that 2016 had left me with. Last year’s word really helped me and I can attest to seeing it’s power throughout the year. Allow me to share.
For years I was on the resolution train but I found myself, like most people, not really making or seeing any real changes. In 2014 I decided to opt for something new, giving my years a theme. Choosing a word allowed me to focus on a variety of things that one word could cover. Over the years those words have been perseverance, endure, and love. The difference it has made has been remarkable.
In choosing words rather than making a list of resolutions I felt like the changes I wanted to make became easier to achieve because they had the same common denominator. When I aimed to have a year of love, it didn’t only encompass finding romantic love but also learning to love where I was in life. Becoming comfortable with myself and being in love with who I was. In turn it led to me becoming more confident and there’s no coincidence that ended up being the year I met my husband. I set out the year with a purpose in mind and it came to pass.
During 2017 the word transition came into play in variety of different ways in my life. I transitioned my career from just a digital creator to a television host. That is something that has been in the works for nearly four years but the transition finally took place in 2017. I truly believe that finally seeing that movement came from setting that intention. In addition to that I also transitioned in freelance career, but I wouldn’t say that was for the better. In making other career moves I definitely got away from something else I love to do – writing. Sometimes while we’re focused on one thing so heavily we can lose focus of other entities in our lives. This year where I felt like transition didn’t happen last year I will reframe into my new word.
Moving into the new year I am looking forward to seeing how my word for 2018, ELEVATE will come into play. As I said on Twitter I want to see elevation even more in my career through speaking engagements, podcast appearances, hosting, and absolutely more writing opportunities. I want to use my platform to elevate other Black people and definitely women. I want to tell our stories and share our paths because they need to be projected out loud to the world. I certainly want to elevate my tax bracket, let’s keep it real – takes money to make money baby.
2018 is only three days fresh and you absolutely have time to set your intentions and choose your word. Don’t get so caught up in having an exact plan but pick rather what you want your year to look like. Make every year, your year!
Until we speak again,
I’m very happy for you! It seems like you’ve been working hard to get to where you are now, being tv host. That’s a beg friggin deal!I know you must be excited, and maybe even nervous, to see what this year has in store. With a word like elevation, I can see great things are hoped for.
I appreciate that Ashlee! It definitely has been a lot of hard work and I very excited to see where the next elevation will take me. Happy New Year!
Loved how you intertwined pictures into your story of transition and elevation. I pray you receive everything you desire, in God’s time. Keep working, congrats on the success and even celebrate the “failures”, knowing that even those too, are a necessary part of the process!
Thank you so much Nijah, I receive that prayer and ask that God does the same for you.
I loved reading this! Elevate is such a strong word. To me it means to inform and educate the masses. Now you got me thinking of my 2018 word. I’m going to choose: Positivity.
Thank you Jenn! That’s an awesome word to choose, the world can certainly use more positivity!
I really love the idea of a theme and choosing a word for the year. As someone who likes to make resolutions, I’m going to make them according to the word that I’ve chosen. I hope that 2018 is amazing for you!
I’d love to know how it goes for you Ashtyn, keep me updated!
Les! I told you before but I want you to know I am soooo proud of you! I hope you know that you are inspiring others on a daily basis. Oh, as I read this my word dropped into my spirit, COURAGE. Courage to pursue my dreams, to step out of my comfort zone and to give AND receive unconditional LOVE (to myself and others). Keep shining Bew 😉 #hu#palsup
Hey Keish!
Thank you so much for always being a constant encourager, that’s a true blessing. Courage is an awesome word – and I know that building your 2018 on that is only going to propel you to where you are called to be. Continue to move in excellence.
I enjoyed reading this so much! I love that you give yourself a word to go by each year, it’s so much more realistic! You’re beautiful and your photos are amazing!