A unique oasis bursting from the seams in shades of pink and small delights. That’s how I would describe the Museum of Ice Cream if the LA Times had asked me. But they didn’t, so instead this is how I will bring it to life for you dear hautees! I have been trying to get my way into this traveling exhibit since I first saw it in New York and thankfully the art gods and ticket folks shined on me because last Friday I got my chance. Want to check out what I saw? Keep reading!The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!I never knew I needed a pink pay phone in my life until I stepped through the replica of the iconic Palm Springs pink door at the Museum of Ice Cream. From the moment we arrived it was quite a treat. I scored tickets for the exhibit about two months ago, because I knew they would be a hard thing to come by. I also made sure that I chose an obscure time and date because I didn’t want it to be overrun with crowds and not be able to enjoy it to the fullest. So with Lil D and the Husband in tow we set out to get our ice cream on.

The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!B-A-N-A-N-A-S! I’m yelling this in my Gwen Stefani voice obviously. Each room in the museum was well thought out and had some sort of magical surprise element I wasn’t expecting. Like the scratch and sniff wall en route to the banana swing set. I mean honestly, how cute is this?! Y’all will have to forgive my snapshots, I didn’t bring my big boy camera with me all of these are courtesy of my iPhone. Nonetheless you get the picture, this was certainly a joy.

The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!Hautemommie explores her hometown Los Angeles and hits the Museum of Ice Cream The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!A day of hooky for all of us is just what the doctor ordered, with a side of ice cream of course. Plus a dive in the…SPRINKLE POOL?! Yes, you read that right an entire pool of sprinkles. And before you ask, no, they weren’t real. Hahaha. Such a novel idea though and cool. I loved this neon sign of the diving girl, it all felt so retro. The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!As you can see the Angelenos were out to get a look at the walls of melting popsicles and mint leaves growing in cacao leaf soil. There was even a small outdoor space to keep folks entertained as they waited in line to enter. They allowed groups to enter the museum in packs of 15, to keep the amount of people inside at one time manageable. I thought this was smart because you didn’t feel rushed but it allowed for enough time to get through all the exhibits in a timely manner. These two were in the midst of a rousing game of corn hole when I snapped this. Also, I’m getting this fake grass. Lol

The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything! The Hautemommie - An Element of Chic In Everything!All in all I’d say that the Museum of Ice Cream certainly fulfilled my wishes of a fun time. If you’re looking for something that’s fun for kids AND adults alike, I’d try and get yourself some tickets soon. Keep your ear to the ground, though the site states that they’re sold out you may get lucky! Be sure to come prepared to take pics, you know the rules – chic in everything.

Outfit details: Striped Tee, Cargo pant, Distressed denim jacket – Zara // Purse (similar) – Fendi // Bracelets – Alex and Ani // Flats – Steve Madden
Let me know if you get a chance to make it, I’d love to hear your thoughts!



Comments +

  1. That looks so fun !!!

  2. Latasha Love says:

    it looks like you had a ball. I’m visualizing a ton of photos that could be taken with that ice cream wall.

  3. Genelle says:

    This looks like so much fun. I definitely get the retro vibe you were speaking of and your outfits fit into that theme so well. P.S. Your pictures look great…girl bye 🙂

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