As a blogger I have learned how to scope out amazing places. As a foodie I’ve honed in on my skill of being able to suss out quality eateries to try and eventually share with others. I love that my choice in jobs as an influencer and a television host has allowed me to converge the two. Every time I shoot I continue to discover places in Long Beach that make me love my city even more. 

I am certainly one of those people who thinks that gentrification can overall be detrimental to the existing community. And yet, I am also the person who appreciates the erecting of new buildings, the entrance of fresh places to dine, and overall the up in the quality of living for the residents. In this series of photos I am downtown in Long Beach where there is an influx of construction happening. Which is crazy to watch unfold.

The Hautemommie: One Mom Living ChicThe Hautemommie: One Mom Living ChicThe Hautemommie: One Mom Living Chic

What I want is to continue to show Long Beach how I see it.

Sharing a piece of the city where I play and hang makes me feel good. It brings me joy to share with my community and other folks who may not know or understand what Los Angeles has to offer outside of LA proper. But my friends here we are. Welcome to the land of beach living and Snoop, but also where it’s great place to raise a family and parlay with friends.

The Hautemommie: One Mom Living ChicThe Hautemommie: One Mom Living Chic

In the coming year I’ll be giving you a peek into some more of my jaunts. The places I love to return to time and time again, plus some of the discoveries I make along the way. To begin I’ll drop this little gem of a spot on you. Loose Leaf, a tea house in the 4th Street corridor serving up delicious tea drinks and a gorgeous spot hang to boot. I moseyed into this spot during one of my shoots and was delighted. Like the true chic millennial I am I was drawn in by the cheeky neon light art and stayed for the indoor/outdoor working space. If you’re in search of a place to find tasty drinks and free wi-fi, hop on in.

The Hautemommie: One Mom Living Chic

OUTFIT DETAILS: pants and jacket – Zara // bodysuit – LOFT // boots – Marc Fisher // purse – Henri Bendel // earrings – Madewell

The Hautemommie: One Mom Living Chic

There’s a misconception that as a blogger if you don’t live in a major city, that you don’t have the space to grow as an influencer. The key to having influence is being able to show others things they may not know and turning them onto something – what better way to introduce your small town or city that’s in between?

The Hautemommie: One Mom Living ChicThe Hautemommie: One Mom Living Chic

Photography: RSee
I’ll do my very best to drop a list of go to restaurants and more for you here as the year goes on. And if there’s some places you think I should try, I would love to hear.


Comments +

  1. Nancy Ugo says:

    Can’t wait to see more of your city.

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