How many times have you had an idea but got discouraged when you saw that someone else was already doing it? You were excited, preparing your way, thinking of names or titles for your impending business when suddenly you were stopped in your tracks with the thought that – there may not be enough room for you. Today I want to dispel the myth that many people believe; if someone else is doing it, it means you can’t. As a Black woman I have felt the brunt of this belief often. I’ve been afraid to take leaps because I figured the net had already been used to catch someone else. Now I realize that purpose is not conditional. Nor is it worried about peripheral details. Your purpose is yours and it’s waiting on you to bring it to life.
As disenfranchised people, I think that we allow fear to stop us when it comes to pursuing our goals. Largely because we are made to think that there is not enough room for us all to succeed. When the world is not set up for you win it in turn makes you feel like everything is set up perfectly for you to fail. What I want to impress upon you is that regardless of circumstance, you are equipped with a purpose that needs you to come to pass.
There are many people with the same career, but it does not mean our purposes are the same…
I heard it said once that if you ever need reassurance that there is room for everyone, walk down a bread aisle. Since hearing that I have repeated it countless times because its message resonated so heavily with me. No matter how many other people are doing what you want to do, it isĀ you who makes the difference. Sara Lee wasn’t worried about Thomas’ when she decided to make an English muffin too. She went ahead and made her muffin because guess what – someone was going to buy them. This is how we have to approach our goals as well. Without trepidation regardless of who is doing it now or who may have done it first.
outfit details: dress – Zara // sunnies – Celine // belt bag – MCM // boots – Steve Madden
As a blogger I have dealt with feeling inadequate or asked myself what is the point of continuing to dedicate the time to this endeavor. Without fail though each time I have ever thought my words were falling on deaf ears someone reaches out to say they’ve read my blog and it has affected them. When I first began blogging in 2009, there were only 1.2 million blogs online. Now the number is set to reach 31.7 million by 2020. Yet in still I am convinced that God called me for a time such as this.
What I want to tell you is that purpose does not depend on your qualifications or your circumstance. It only depends on you pushing through. Even in the face of fear you have to rise to the occasion. Even if someone else is doing exactly what you believe you were put on this Earth for, you must know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you and your contribution matter. Pursuing your purpose in the face of fear let’s the universe, God or whomever know, that you are dedicated to fulfilling it. Which means your paths will lead you to the ultimate goal.
Giving fear the freedom to dictate our steps puts something else in charge of when and how our successes come to us. Are you willing to put someone else in charge of how you spend your day, your time, or your money? Then stop letting fear do the same.
Photography: RSee Photography
Now that you’ve finished this post I want you to write down the thing that has been tapping on your brain trying to get out. Giving no mind to how daunting it may seem. Today is the day you decide your purpose deserves you sans fear. Want me to believe with you? Subscribe to the blog and email me, I promise to cheer you on.
be well,
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