The past couple of years I’ve noticed a trend I’ve found alarming. Alarming may be drastic but it is definitely interesting. With the advent of Instagram “microblogging” has taken over and given some content creators the idea that there is no need to maintain their own websites. In their minds Instagram is enough. However, as a blogger who spends countless hours thinking, developing, and aiming to make content that is valuable; this is bad for business. Wondering why? Keep reading to see why I believe blogging is more valuable than Instagram.
As of June 2018, Instagram is servicing over 1 billion people, that my friends is a whole lot of eyes. That number is astounding, and yet the truth of the matter is, not a fraction of those people are seeing what you are posting. In actuality the people actually who opt to follow you, barely see your content. Recently loads of bloggers and influencers experienced a tremendous decline in engagement and have no idea why. Which is why we’re having to announce new posts and fresh things on our feeds through stories. We have no why of knowing how or why instagram chooses to do what they do.
I went through the same thing and it is frustrating. My pictures are high quality, my community is engaging, and I post frequently enough that I should be up in feeds. In the end though, I can’t control when or if my photos are seen. This is the downside to what is mostly an amazing social network. While people are vying for their work to be seen, going as far as even purchasing followers and likes; you truly have no control over what happens. There in lies the problem.
While Instagram gets to dictate whether or not users see your work, you get to control how your blog is marketed and viewed.
Over the past couple years I have been working diligently to get to the highly sought after 10K follower mark. While I have been growing steadily, it has been stressful. I know I’m not alone in this feeling, as several other bloggers complain and extol their anger loudly on Instagram about the hardships with trying to grow their following. I recently read Brittany Hennessey’s book, Influencer, and she notes that it is the most difficult peak to reach. While I dedicate so much time trying to make my following go up and keep my engagement high – it is truly out of my hands.
By blogging consistently and maintaining high quality material; written and photographically, I can make sure my audience gets what they come to see even if Instagram decides I’m not worth it. This is why your blog is more valuable than IG. Because if Instagram decides tomorrow to never show your photos again, your audience knows where they can find you. That my friends is thinking big picture and about the long game. I wonder what music creators did in the wake of MySpace’s demise? It was those that carved their own spaces in the ether and pushed their work on their terms that made it out okay.
Going into 2019 I want to focus on making sure that people are more aware of my blog and what I am writing about rather than solely giving my everything to making sure my Instagram is poppin. I blog because I love it. Not just to attain a certain amount of followers and make money, though that’s awesome too. Hopefully moving forward brands will begin to differentiate the actual bloggers from those who claim to be and learn how to work with us better. By adding more value to creators who are making their mark and investing in more than 9 squares we start to put an end to the fake followers epidemic and more. Forcing people to create actual content and not just take pretty pictures will make this industry better.
According to the Hootsuite, 80% of Instagram users are outside of the U.S. and 59% are under 30. Based on those stats, I’m even more concerned with my blog primarily as a large part of my readers are over thirty and live in Los Angeles, D.C., or Atlanta. Do you know who’s reading your blog? Or looking at your Insta? Do you research. This is allow you to become a quality asset to invest in. We all want to partner with brands and grow but does you even reach the brand you’re aiming to work with? Instagram is awesome for instantaneous beauty but for more in depth reviews and discussions, blogs are your best friend.
With the year winding down I suggest you get more serious about your Path to Poppin and figure out what you need to get your content seen and heard. Investing in your own website may prove more beneficial than anything else! What are your thoughts?
I totally agree with you Leslie! It is frustrating but I have been investing more time into my blog and it has truly been paying off!
I hope the same for you!
Thank you Tamara! Yes, you have to invest the time and energy for it to grow but the more you take care of it the better it will care for you in the long run. Stick with it.
YES!!!!! This is so true and it’s really hard not to get caught up in the IG tornado or slack off on your blog and let IG take it’s place. I love blogging and the written content and you totally nailed it!
Laura, I totally feel you! Instagram can seem like the end all be all to everything but the truth is – there IS more to life. Thanks for stopping by!
YES!! I have been saying this for so long and I appreciate you bringing the topic to light!! Keep it up girl!
xo, Hillary |
Totally agree with this! Your blog should be your MAIN focus, Instagram is just a small part of it all.
xo Jessica
My Style Vita
Thanks for this reminder! I have been getting so frustrated with Instagram lately. I know I need to focus more on my blog since that’s the media that I actually own, but Instagram is such a time-suck!
Liz |
As a new entrepreneur I am learning how to use social media and this read just opened my eyes 1000 percent to a dynamic of IG that I had no idea about. You provided much needed clarity to exactly why I need to focus my efforts on my blog/website in addition to my social media pages! Thank you for gaming me up! Now if I can just find the time to work my 9-5, take care of my family and grow my business
I stumbled across your content and it’s very refreshing. I’m also a mom with tons to do and want to start 2019 off with a bang! I should find time and invest more in my blog. Great read.
Welcome Nikki! And thanks for the kind words, good luck to you!
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