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Lately I’ve felt like the state of the world has been getting to me more than ever. With racial tensions hovering at code red constantly and the never ending cycle of this administration’s lies, I’m tired. More than tired though I’ve felt overwhelmed. As I open Twitter each day for my morning news, in between the laughs I absorb to keep from crying, I’m bombarded by news of school shootings, families broken due to deportation, and Black lives in turmoil.  Knowing that I’m not alone in this I wanted to share some tips with you on how stay calm in chaotic times.

Be Mindful of What You Indulge

Don’t be afraid to take a step back from your usual routine. My husband and I enjoy our nightly TV time. We settle into a good show like Homeland, The Looming Tower, or The Handmaid’s Tale and gobble up the riveting and timely content. However lately I’ve felt like the shows have been hitting too close to home. I’ve found it hard to relax while watching The Handmaid’s Tale thinking, my god could this happen? Rather than continuing to gorge on the show for the sake of keeping up I did myself and my sanity a favor – I pulled back. If you’re finding it difficult to enjoy things you once did because they’re weighing too heavily on you, take a break.

This simple step has helped me be able to get more restful sleep as my dreams aren’t about me running for my life anymore. Waking up in tears one night for fear someone tried to take my children from me was the nail in the coffin. My peace is my priority so it’s sayonara heavy tv for now.

Being quiet isn’t something that is easy to do if you haven’t been taught how…

Make Peace a Priority

Growing up my mother was very intentional about having a peaceful home. At the time, of course, I thought she was dramatic about her no tv after noon on Saturdays rule. Her instructions to find something quiet to do were lost on adolescent me, but now I value my upbringing so much. Being able to be still is a skill many people don’t possess. Largely because being quiet isn’t something that is easy to do if you haven’t been taught how. Thankfully my mother made it so that I don’t run from silence or peaceful times because they are necessary. Take a moment to turn off your TV, mute your music, put your phone on silent and watch how quickly you calm down. By making room for quiet in my day I allow peace to surround me, making it easier to endure life’s extremes.

The Hautemommie: Keeping An Element of Chic In Everything

Check Your Mental

Whether you meditate or pray – find a way to reset your mental by connecting with something more powerful. My husband is the meditator in our home. While I haven’t been able to master the skill to engage in mindful meditating just yet, I do know and understand the power of prayer. For me prayer has been a way to bring my burdens to someone who I know can help me clear them out. Prayer is a time of reflection, it’s a moment to think about the needs of others, and ultimately a time to get the answers I need.

I can tell when it has been a while since I’ve connected with God and I know when it’s time for me to get back in His presence. Do a check in with yourself – figure out what is slipping when your mind is clouded. Hit reset and get it in order. It’s currently Mental Health Awareness month, what better time than now to ensure you’re addressing everything swirling around that head. Don’t hesitate to reach out to someone if you need to because talking through your worry is also cathartic.

The Hautemommie: Keeping An Element of Chic In Everything

Over the years I’ve become more in tune with the triggers to my anxiety. While I have not been medically diagnosed with any disorder I am now more aware of my nervous energy and how to deal with it. Learning what the tightness in my stomach means, understanding the reasoning behind the on set of my migraines has been helpful in living a more relaxed day to day. We all handle our fears or worries differently. We face anxiety and nervousness, having the right tools to address those feelings is a way to make it easier to endure.

Photography: RSee Photography
If you are struggling with finding your peace or getting to your calm hopefully some of these tips can help you get to a more healthy place. Remember we all need help sometimes. Let’s woosahhh together.

Til Next Time,


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