Well kids, I’m back from my unexpected hiatus, on the heels of the first season of my television show launching I was blessed with even more fabulous news! It is amazing how God will rain those blessings on you when you least expect them because His time is never your own. Needless to say while I felt terribly sad about not being able to work I realized that all things happen for my good. And good news it certainly is – keep reading to find out!
If you follow me on Instagram you’ve probably noticed I’ve been a bit MIA. Not because I don’t love to share my life, but largely because lately it has consisted of me moving from my bed to the couch to the kitchen, in that order. You guessed it friends – this Hautemommie is bringing another bambino into the world! For the past 13 weeks or so I’ve been knocked out. Capital KO. In the midst of this I’ve also had to travel and keep up with other engagements that haven’t been the easiest on a sister. But my husband and I are extremely excited about our new addition and can’t wait to grow our family by one more.
When we got married we always knew we wanted at least three children and this past summer we figured if we were going to do it, it had better be soon. Thankfully our prayers were answered and we will be meeting our new baby next spring! While pregnancy is certainly a blessing, it can also be challenging at times. And while mine is by no means something detrimental enough to have me on bedrest or hospitalized thank God, it has caused me to take medication just to function on a daily basis and has made it difficult to work. That said, hopefully my energy and struggles subside soon so I can get back to sharing how I keep chic on 100 around here.
I definitely want to share my journey with you, my thoughts on birth, and how I style my pregnancy in addition to a few things surrounding motherhood that I think are important. Let me know if there are any other topics you’d like to chat about and I can get right on it. I appreciate you sticking with me and bearing with my mini absence. But I’m back in effect now, whoo!
Until next time!
Congrats!!!! You are gonna be the flyest mommy!
Thank you sweetness!!
Congratulations on the new baby! And what’s the name of your Tv show? I’d love to check it out!
Wow am so happy for you. The first weeks can be crazy. Can’t wait to follow your journey. Congrats
Congratulations on the new expecting baby! ā¤ļøšā¤ļøš!
OMG Congrats! Children are such a blessing. Best wishes to you and your family.
Loving your life