Hey friends! Long time, so sorry for my absence I’ve been head down working and also I have a big announcement to share soon! In the interim I wanted to let you know about where you can catch me when I’m not here giving the run down on how to stay chic. About four years ago one of my dearest friends and I set out to change the visuals we saw in culinary television. By creating our own web series on Issa Rae’s You Tube channel called, Butter + BROWN. It has been quite the journey from those days of a three man squad now to a full fledged national broadcast. Keep reading to get the full scoop!
How It All Began
Allow me to take you on a long but exhilarating journey of mere dream to reality. Like many people my co-host, Seth and I love to enjoy cooking shows, throwing down in the kitchen, and trying out new restaurants in various cities. It was a natural step for he and I to create something that incorporated all of those loves. Let’s also keep it super 100 and say as two college graduates who were looking endlessly for employment during one of America’s great downturns. We developed our show in an era where creating content was something many people tried and failed at. However Butter and BROWN proved to be that for us – the pick me up we needed. I am always going to encourage people to make something happen for themselves because life won’t always hand you an opportunity directly. After coming together with another great friend we created something that proved to worthy of watching.
Check Out The Original Webseries HERE!!
From the Internet to TV
People ask us all the time about our leap from YouTube to television and to be honest there isn’t a step by step tutorial I can give on how to get from here to there. What I can say is this; if you create something valuable – people will notice. As a natural entrepreneur I live my life thinking of ways to solve problems. With Butter + BROWN, Seth and I were able to solve multiple issues in one fell swoop. We made cooking accessible, fun, humorous, and relatable. There aren’t many people in the culinary space who look like us or who are presenting cooking in the way we do and THAT is what helped us in our journey. There is always talk about being authentic, this is one of those things that can seem like aimless advice. But I can assure you using your own voice and speaking from your point of view will get you further than mimicking someone else. This is true for whatever you do.
Catching Butter +BROWN
Now, after many talks with production companies, various networks, lawyers, and everything in between – Butter + BROWN is doing exact what Seth and I set out for it to do from the beginning – air on television. Tomorrow on ASPIRE TV at 8pm EST this culinary series that we created years ago is now going to be aired in 35 million homes across the country. The more I say that out loud, the crazier it sounds. But truth be told, I knew it would happen. How did I know? Because that was our intention from the beginning. We knew exactly what we wanted B+B to be and where we wanted it to go. I’m a spiritual person and there is something to be said about telling God exactly what you want and watching Him make it happen for you. I am a firm believer in Habakuk 2:2, which says, “Write the vision down and make it plain.” Write your plans, make them specific, don’t be afraid to say exactly what you want – even if it seems outrageous. Trust God to do the outrageous for you.
I hope my story encourages you and also tune in the show, we’ve got amazing guests like Larenz Tate, Rick Ross, Carla Hall of The Chew and even more. Not to mention bomb food and great laughs, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts! You can find out what channel ASPIRE is in your area by checking, aspire.tv – thanks a million for your support!
Until next time,
The name of your YouTube channel is genius. This post is definitely inspiring!
Thank you Shariyka! I appreciate your kind words and for reading!