In the late 90s and early 2000s everyone wore stacked sandals and it was like the 70s had struck all over again. Whoa, mind blown. Now platform sandals are back in style (again) and they’re better than ever. They say history always repeats itself but I never thought I would see the day when the clothes I wore as a young one would circle back to haunt me. Ahh the naivety of being a teenager and thinking 30 is old. But I figured I couldn’t miss out on a chance to relive 14 again, so I’ve embraced the return of the 90s with love.

The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More.Who said wearing black in the summer was a no go? Personally I’m one to wear black all year round and these bedazzled, bejeweled platforms only reinvigorated my love. The hunter green strap paired with hints of millennial pink make it the perfect shoe to reach for all season long. And if you thought I had a love affair with fur, it’s safe to say bejeweled items are second on my list of old lady chic favorites. These platforms are a definite upgrade from the orange pair I had from Old Navy in 98.

The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More.The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More.The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More.

This top is another Zara find that I grabbed while doing my weekly walk through the store. Lately as I’ve mentioned I’ve been really focused on finding more practical clothes that can make my wardrobe more well rounded as opposed to super eclectic pieces that I may only wear once or twice. Call it maturity. Lol. I liked this shirt because it covers my trouble spots and pairs easily with most anything. Especially my new love – these sandals.

The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More. The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More.

Wearing: Top – Zara // Shorts – Paige // Platforms – Zara // Sunnies – Prada // Purse (similar) – Kate Spade // Earrings – old

The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More. The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More.The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More.The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More. The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More.The Hautemommie - Style. Motherhood. And More.

Platforms are bringing it back for the 99 and the 2000s and I’m loving it! How about you?

Is there anything making a sartorial resurgence that you’re falling for?
PC: RSee Photography


Comments +

  1. Cynthea says:

    I just love these photos!! And your outfit is fab.

  2. Shainna says:

    I NEED those sandals. Super cute.

  3. Autum says:

    I love platforms and black. I don’t wear colors based on season either if I like it I wear it!!

  4. I love this look on you! Super cute peplum top.

    Xx Taylor

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