Not Your Mama’s Embroidery

When I think of embroidery, my thoughts wander to scenes from Game of Thrones with Sansa and Arya in ladyhood training. Or to Little Women when girls were required have needlepoint down to a tee. But these days when the word comes up cult classic Gucci, the hand sown works of Omndi, or Zara are front and center. While most of the pieces I’ve seen out and about have been sheer blouses and sneakers, these pants screamed to me from the top of heap begging to be taken home. This here, is not your mama’s embroidery.
You all know by now mixing prints is my thing, trust me when I say it always works out in the end. Plus the rules are: leopard is a neutral, so there’s no issue, right? Right! The culotte length of this pant works perfectly both for heeled shoes like the ones I’ve worn here or even a flat pair of sandals, which will likely be my go to when the weather permits. I’ve grown to love ankle grazing pants these days, my fears of “flooding” are long gone, giving peace to the eighth grade me who struggled to find an appropriate length forever.

I’ve picked some embroidered pieces I love for you to add to your closet! Shop them here:

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I was delighted to scoop up these pants; in trend yet so original. That’s a win.

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